About Us

Image by Megan Jordan

Our Story

With an authentic friendship that spans over 20 years, we have always excelled at building confidence in each other through support and positivity, and want to do the same for other women by inspiring them to thrive and flourish in their daily lives. 


We created this lifestyle blog with the goal of providing targeted advice and guidance related to wellness, fitness, career, beauty, and style to keep you looking and feeling your best. Over the years we’ve learned that investing in yourself is not only beneficial for you and your well-being, but also for the people who love you.


“Take action once a day to do something that ignites your life”

-Gabrielle Bernstein-


Happily married mom of two incredible girls, makeup artist, and breast cancer survivor. I truly love to create and I welcome challenges that allow me to showcase my artistic abilities.  I have learned over my 40 plus years not to take things too seriously, life is about making mistakes and learning from them while you are trying to figure it all out.  


Driven and ambitious, I love to research, learn, and share ideas. Mom to an amazing daughter, corporate professional, certified personal trainer, and an advocate for health and well-being. I believe we are all on our own personal journey, and success is influenced by our mindset. I feel positive transformation occurs when we learn and grow from our experiences to become our best self.


(v.) To arouse the passions of; excite.


(v.) To mature into achievement of one’s potential.