
Choosing the Right Journal to Match your Personality

There is something about opening a new notebook, the smell of the pages, and the thrill of imagining all the things that you are going to accomplish with it. Sure, you can pick up any journal and start on your adventure but choosing the right journal that matches your personality can be the difference in whether it gets used or ends up in the bottom of your nightstand drawer. 

Choosing the Right Journal

The Benefits of Choosing the Right Journal to Fit your personality

Journaling can be a very rewarding and therapeutic experience. Incorporating journaling into your routine can help you cope with day to day stresses and anxiety and also help you set and achieve personal goals. But, in order to reap the benefits of journaling it is important that you follow through and make it part of your daily routine. 

Below are a few questions that will help guide you in selecting the best journal that will fit you and your personality.


What is it you wish to accomplish with your journal?

How much time are you willing to devote to journaling?

Are you more writing focused or do you enjoy creating visuals?

Once you’ve narrowed your focus it’s time to pick a journal that fits your goals. I have outlined some of the different journaling options below.  



If you don’t know where to begin or are just getting into journaling a guided journal may be a great option for you. In a guided journal you are given writing prompts that help you tighten your focus, no more staring at a blank page with no idea what to write about. From gratitude focused to self-care and discovery there are many different themes to choose from.

Gratitude Focused Journal

Gratitude: A Day and Night Reflection Journal by Insight Editions

A beautiful journal that helps you practice mindfulness and reflection, with easy prompts that help guide you in your writing.

Self-Care Focused Journal

Self-Care Check-In: A Guided Journal to Build Healthy Habits and Devote Time to You
by GG Renee Hill

Contains interesting writing prompts to help guide you to making lasting changes in your life. Uses research based techniques to help you reflect and take action.



Using lined paper has been ingrained in us since our school days. It keeps your writing straight and neat and you have full creative writing freedom. Don’t fret if you can’t decide how to start your journal, you can always look up writing prompts that can guide your writing in different ways.

Writing prompts can be found all over the internet. Below is one site I have found useful if you have writers block or if you just don’t know where to start. 



Have you ever come across a journal with faint dots all over the pages and thought to yourself how on earth am I supposed to use this? Dotted journals are growing in popularity due to bullet journaling. If you have never heard of bullet journaling before let me briefly explain what it is. 


Bullet journaling, in essence, is a journal that can double as a personal organizer. Using the dots on the pages you can easily create trackers, calendars, and lines for your writing. This is a great option for anyone who likes to create visuals to go along with their writing. Using a bullet journal can increase your productivity, help you achieve your goals and help you practice reflection and mindfulness.


If you are unsure where to begin, or if you are simply looking for some creative planner ideas you can check out Diary of a Journal Planner. There you will find everything you need to get started from trackers to planners and everything in-between.



A blank journal may be right for you if you want full creative freedom without the distraction of lines, dots, or prompts. With a blank journal the possibilities are endless. This type of journal is perfect for artists or anyone who enjoys creating visuals to go along with their writing. 


Art journaling is a way to express yourself beyond just writing by using illustrations, color, and creativity. Check out the blog Artful Haven, where you can find inspiration and tutorials for starting your very own art journal.  



If you don’t enjoy using a traditional journal but still want the benefits of journaling there are many effective apps available on the app store on your phone or tablet. With so many apps available it can get a bit overwhelming, look for apps that have features you will actually use and get the most out of. Below are two apps that allow you to cover all your journaling needs. 

GRID DIARY This journal app is easy to use and covers all bases. You can customize templates, record and organize multiple journals, and if you are stuck there is a library of writing prompts to choose from. Available on Iphone and Android phones and tablets. https://griddiaryapp.com/

GOODNOTES 5 If you already own an Ipad, the Goodnotes 5 app is an awesome application.  Use it like a bullet journal or use it to take free form notes. You can save and organize all your entries too. https://www.goodnotes.com/



I still love to write things down, and with today’s technology there are more ways to write without wasting paper. The Remarkable 2 is quite interesting because it is a tablet that feels more like paper. You can write, draw, make templates, read pdfs and transfer your handwriting to text. You can also save and organize all your entries. 


The tablet itself is a higher price point than others on the market and it doesn’t offer any apps. While it is expensive, the slim design and writing functionality make it a unique tablet for any writer who wants more functionality out of their notebook. 

In the end, whichever journal you choose should be an extension of yourself. If things get boring don’t give up, try a new style of journaling or look for writing prompts. Keep it fresh and enjoy the process!