Nutrition,  Wellness

Healthy Protein Powder Smoothies – Our Top Picks

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If you’ve ever tried to choose a protein powder, you know that it can be dizzying to walk into a vitamin store with shelves upon shelves of options! However, a little research beforehand can make this experience less intimidating. We share our favorite protein powders along with our go-to recipes.

Protein Powder - Overview and Types

There are many reasons why you may want to add protein powder to your diet. Maybe you want to up your protein intake to build muscle, or you may be a vegetarian or vegan and need to add extra protein to your diet. 

If you are not sure which type of protein powder is right for you and your nutritional goals, it is best to do your research. To help get you started check out the table below which contains a quick overview of the different types of protein powders available.

Note: A complete protein contains all nine essential amino acids that our bodies don’t produce on our own. Want to read more about adding complete proteins to your diet? Check out this article from the Cleveland Clinic. 

Juli's Pick

Ever since I started adding protein powder to my diet as an easy way to hit my protein goals, I’ve used whey protein powder. These days there are many more plant based options as well, but since my body has always responded well to whey protein I have kept it as my staple protein.

It was important to me to choose a protein with great macronutrients, low sugar, great taste and great consistency for blending. My two protein powders of choice have been Optimum Nutrition chocolate and Quest vanilla whey protein. I like to use the vanilla in my smoothies and protein pancakes, and I use the chocolate protein if I need to have a quick shake post workout which I mix with water or unsweetened almond milk.

Quest Whey Protein - Vanilla Milkshake

Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein
Double Chocolate

Protein Packed Smoothie Recipe

The great thing about smoothies is that you can pack a protein punch, and the options are endless. Smoothies are filling and with the right ingredients can be extremely healthy. This recipe is my go-to in the morning, the nutritional facts are based on using almond milk and spinach. 

Lauren's Pick

While I am not allergic to dairy, I’ve found that I do better if I limit my dairy intake. Finding a protein powder that has quality ingredients and tastes great is not always easy. I came across Sprout Living Epic Protein (Vanilla Lacuma) at my grocery store a few years back and have been hooked ever since.

Sprout Living Epic Protein powder has 19g of multi-sourced, plant-based protein, but I only use 1 scoop in my smoothie. To up the protein count I like to add 1 scoop of Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides. Collagen peptides provide your body with a boost of extra collagen that is beneficial to your skin as well as your muscles and joints. 

Sprout Living Epic Protein

Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides

Epic Green Smoothie Recipe

Since there is so much flavor to the Epic protein powder I like to only add a few extra ingredients. This recipe is the perfect size for mixing in personal blenders like the magic bullet or the 12-16 oz. blender cups that come with your blender. 

Tip: Freeze bananas in thirds so you always have fresh bananas on hand.