Fashion,  Style

How to Start a Capsule Wardrobe – Styles that Last

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Tired of spending money on trends that don’t last? If so, a capsule wardrobe may be your answer. Keep reading to learn how this can provide endless outfit options for years to come.

capsule wardrobe

Capsule Wardrobe - Simplified

After trying several cringe worthy trends over the years, I’ve learned what works best for me is to focus my higher dollar investments on timeless and classic items. When I was younger I sometimes valued trends over longevity, and these items often landed in the donation bin. Now, I like to focus on finding looks that will stand the test of time – hello classic black dress!

A capsule wardrobe can be defined as a limited number of essential or staple items that you can wear for multiple seasons. It includes tops, bottoms, dresses, outerwear, shoes, and accessories that can be mixed and matched to be dressed up or down. Your closet can still have trendy items that will be worn for one season – but in addition to the staples in your capsule wardrobe.

There are many ways you can approach building your own capsule wardrobe. You can include as many or as few pieces as you like. There is no rush and don’t get overwhelmed trying to add everything at once.

To give you an idea of items you commonly find in a capsule wardrobe, check out some options below. Of course, the color and fit of these depend on your personal style and what you love – for example skinny jeans vs. straight leg – but this can help get you started: