Beauty,  Makeup

Try the Trend – Monochrome Makeup with Lined Lips

It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut when it comes to your makeup. Maybe you want to switch things up a bit but you don’t know what to do. This winter, why not amp up your makeup routine with makeup trends that you can actually wear? We focused on the monochrome makeup trend and paired it with updated 90’s lip liner to keep you looking classy and current. 

Monochrome Makeup with Upgraded 90's Lip Liner

monochrome makeup trend

The monochrome makeup trend can be achieved by matching your eyes, cheeks, and lips with colors that are all in the same family. For Juli’s makeup I chose to go with more neutral shades in the taupe/brown family. 


Step 1

Apply Shadow to the Ball of the Lid

Using an eyeshadow brush, apply your first color to the ball of the lid. “Ball of the lid” is basically anywhere you can feel your eyeball when your eye is closed.


Apply Shadow to the Crease

With a crease brush, apply matte shadow to the corner of the eye and into the crease. I like to keep the shadow heavier on the outside corner of the eye (think of the nike swoosh upside down). The thick part of the swoosh is in the corner of the eye and the thin part is close to the inner part of the crease.

Using a crease brush like this one from Laura Mercier, I applied an equal mix of Inglot shadow #357 and Inglot shadow #303.


Line the Eye

I always prefer to use a wet liner as opposed to a pencil. You can achieve a cleaner line and depending on the product you are using it has more lasting power. Based on your preference you can line just the top or line the bottom as well. For Juli’s makeup I wanted a softer look and chose to line only the top using the tight-lining technique with Laura Mercier’s cake liner in Black Ebony.

The tight-line technique is a game changer once you learn how to do it. Wet your tight-line brush with water and work the product into your brush (go for a shoe polish consistency, if its too wet it will be hard to work with). From underneath your lash line push and wiggle the liner into the roots of your lashes (not the waterline), going across the whole eye. 


Smudge Shadow in the Lash Line

With a smudge brush apply a darker matte color to the lash line. You can focus the color on the outer part of the lash line in a wedge shape, or you can also extend the shadow like a cat eye. If you prefer to have shadow on the lower lash line you can smudge there as well.

I used Inglot shadow #378 with this smoky eyeliner brush from Laura Mercier.


The key to nailing this trend is going to be shading. Long gone is the thin 90’s liner with a lighter shade of lipstick. 

Step 1

With a sharpened lip liner pencil first line the cupids bow (the heart shaped part of your upper lip) and then the middle of your bottom lip. If you have trouble lining your lips this step helps makes it a little easier.

Step 2 and 3

Connect the lines you made to the outer corners of your lips. With the pencil go back in and start shading, you can also a lip brush or your finger to soften the shading. You are trying to avoid harsh lines.

Step 4

Apply a lighter shade of gloss or lipstick. You want a contrast.